Woman = unnatural / man = natural
In her explanation of gynocidal ritual, feminist theorist Mary Daly explains that in a patriarchal culture, society uses certain ritualistic behaviors (usually in the interest of enhancing female "beauty") to destroy female connections and to oppress women.* In these situations, women are often used as "token torturers". For instance, there was a saying during the days of Chinese footbinding : "If a mother loves her daughter, she will take no mercy on her feet." Nope, instead she will torture and cripple her to make her palatable to a society infected with brainwashed men who wouldn't know a natural woman if she bit him on the ass and then ran away on her big ' ol feet! * Discussion of gynocidal ritual can be found in Mary Daly's book, Gyn /Ecology: the Metaethics of Radical Feminism. Source: Only one Manda I love the way Amanda puts this. Great voice. Amanda wrote this while expressing her horror a...