
Showing posts from February, 2014


Derailment can happen  on  all the 'sides' of a discussion, the hard part is facilitating forward motion and 'keeping it clean', i.e.  keeping  the  derailers  voiced, fair and not vitriolic. Now we need to turn  derailers  into some form of  ally  because  derailers  become the 'face' of the group. On another comment stream: #Race ~ #Feminism. #Separatism. #Apartheid. Mary Daly got fired for teaching  derailers  in separate spaces, sadly, but I always understood why she did it, empathized. I'm in the camp of "white people should shut the fuck up" as a general rule (รก la Samantha Vice and Gillian Schutte), except when we are talking to our fellow white people. I don't get it right all the time, but I want to.  On another comment stream: Perhaps by claiming a white space they are acknowledging that white women think feminism is 'good for' ...