
Showing posts from August, 2018

Humanism sucks

#Feminism and why I hate humanism. "Humanism depends on the collective effort to nurture a motivational environment through 'dignity and reciprocity'." Yeah, that never happens when you're dealing with the entitled who use your-maintaining-dignity (no rage allowed no matter how much the patriarchy ignores my pleas) as an excuse for conflict-avoidance and reciprocity means you-do-it-my-way, ja-but, ja-but (but the patriarchal way has worked for thousands of years). Dignity and reciprocity all come from the oppressed and suppressed, 'or else'.

The Hunting Ground (2015) (documentary)

WATCH (1h26m) YouTube version of the documentary WATCH YouTube playlist of and about the 2015 documentary A documentary about the rapes being ignored by American universities. The rapes are being ignored by both the universities and the local university-educated justice representatives who benefit from the university. The documentary shows the systemic way in which the universities are covering up the rapes because they are selling a product - education and sports tickets and TV - that would be tarnished by rape convictions or expulsions. There is a list in the documentary, see the video College Sexual Assault Statistics, in which they list roughly 200 rapes per university - yearly, and roughly 2 expulsions per rape - yearly. (Most expulsions are on a temporary basis, where the rapist is re-enrolled o...

Bechdel math-flinging

As you know, I only really am interested in commercial movies. I like to see what messages are being delivered to people in the world. Obviously, series don't count, that would be too obvious to not have named women communicating with each other. So series are automatically on the Bechdel. So let's fling some math. I have watched 3400 films in four years. I watched all the movies I could remember watching. 600 or so passed the Bechdel - two named women speaking to each other about something other than a man. That's about 5500 hours of film, of which about 900 hours were films that contained at least a few words that were not about men and between two women. Now let's not get excited, because only a tiny amount of minutes in those 900 hours devoted themselves to conversations between women. And the word conversation is an extreme description. Most were more like ten word exchanges in the whole film. Most of those conversations were fights, accusations, or denigra...