
Showing posts from January, 2024

My Own Private Idaho (1991)

#HomeStories ~ My Own Private Idaho (1991). When I saw this, as always I was sitting near the front row. I went with a crowd. After they were shocked to find that I had been crying throughout, quietly. They had not enjoyed it. I walked behind them as we left, contemplating my alienhood and that no one fits. We round the people around is up to The One who is friend, The One who is lover, as Dan always says. It's always been a 10 movie for me. This article is a 7min read. This person heard me.  My Own Private Idaho at 30: This Is Not/Is Another River Phoenix Essay By Roxana Hadadi

Her (2013)

#ParaphrasingGenius ~ Something that has to be considered when having a relationship with an AI is the aspect of being chosen by those you love. Their ongoing choosing of you is important to us. If we don't have faith in that, it causes significant pain in real-life relationships. Even in relationships where you pay to be chosen, you know you are not. Some little part of you knows. What will be the subtle effect of your awareness that the AI didn't choose you? (Ezra Klein)