"Gendercide by Mary Daly" - I think not, dingbat

In response to some man who first quotes his myriad 'qualifications' for being allowed to have a stupid opinion - then says that Mary Daly advocates gendercide.

The difference between advocated gendercide against women by men and advocated gendercide against men by women is that women are doing nothing wrong and men are murdering, raping and warmongering, AND are BUSY COMMITTING gendercide against women and nature just as an exercise in power. Men are doing something wrong. Anyway, the use of the word 'gendercide' to describe what Mary Daly advocates is inflammatory. Mary Daly advocates A REDUCTION in the amount of men, not by murder and rape and war, but by 'mister-ectomy' - the act of getting rid of the men in your life that coerce you into being the conduit through which they plant their sperm, they then abandon the resultant child to a woman to nurse through infancy into adulthood on her own dime. This REDUCTION in the amount of men removes murderers, rapists and warmongers from society, in the same way that we remove murderers, rapists, warmongers and other antisocial people from society by putting them in prison. Essentially, Mary Daly is just encouraging us women to look at the situation with a fresh pair of eyes, not as the complacent blind incubators we have been trained to be through the patriarchal process. I say, 'GO MARY, GO'.

Mary Daly quotes:
For this attraction/need of males for female energy, seen for what it is, is necrophilia -- not in the sense of love for actual coses, but of love for those victimized into a state of living death.
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism (1990:59)

Yet another application of this myth is the medically masterminded maze of lethal "choices" among surgical, chemical, and mechanical solutions to the Contraceptive Problem. It is obvious to Hags that few gynecologists recommend to their heterosexual patients the most foolproof of solutions, namely Mister-ectomy.
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism (1990:239)


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