
Showing posts from July, 2018


I introduced myself as a feminist to Peter. During the conversation I mentioned incels. He'd never heard of them. He feels he's a #NotAllMen, but he's never heard of incels. Yah-ah. He's a #NotAllMen that doesn't know what he's a #NotAllMen to. Putting your head in the sand and keeping it there makes you an ostrich, not a #NotAllMen. I know that he's more than just out of touch because he didn't want to know more about the incels. If he by accident one day accidentally yah like that would ever happen finds out that the word incels was not made up by those pesky feminists, that incels made up their own word and live in their own-defined world, Peter's gonna blush. He stormed out because he thought I made it up. I bet he didn't want to be confrontational. Like not-asking, and not-staying, and passive-aggressive silence is 'not confrontational'. It is. Silence is confrontational. #NoteToSelf   Yikes. Back in the day when women were fo...

Nuts (1987)

In the film Streisand's young self cuts her hair in the bathroom, hacking it off. They don't say so in the film, but it suggest she was trying to escape the attention of her predator stepfather. It suddenly occurred to me that I did the same sort of thing. I refused to wear clothes that DIDN'T have holes in. I shaved my hair off. It occurred to me that the reason I did this is to make myself unattractive to the predators hunting me. I started doing the holes-in-clothes thing when I was about eight. #Journal  #TheTotalShutdown 

Downsizing (2017)

You know I apply the Bechdel Test very strictly. Otherwise I wouldn't have 600 Bechdel-passers on my 3400 films list ( ), I would have far fewer passers. Even if the named women speak to each other with three words, and the words break each other down, the film passes.   Today I will reach a new low - two named women speaking to each other about something other than a man... with a man present and also conversing, and who gets the bulk of the attention from both women.  Other plus points of the film are - the beauty cult is ignored, and the lead female character is not white, and she also has a disability. And, cherry-ily, she doesn't speak in modulated tones.  Although the above ploy could be there to distract us because the beauty-cult-undermined can also be part of the new wave of films that portray women as harpies and the men as whipped. Which this film does. To its credit, it does make the woman into a Jesusy character, but it ma...

Censorship of poets and standups

The fact that you, a poet or standup, asks whether you can speak in another's voice already earns you the right to speak. That you had before anyway. I don't believe in any kind of censorship. And for poets, writers, and standups, that no-censorship rule goes double in my books. These are word crafters. They put more effort into putting a piece together than Facebookers, or tweeters, and they can't just delete their words out of the sound channel of our lives. They take the rap when they say something others don't like.  As a woman, a radical feminist, incensed by the media, movies, and gaming, I would rather hear it.... AND NOT HAVE MY RESPONSE CENSORED. I have my own voice. Someone of my gender has their own voice, a homeless person has their own voice. Instead of shouting at you, I would listen to your poem, and the next time I see a homeless person, listen to them, and encourage them, facilitate their voice, AND I HAVE DONE THIS.  My approach is always ...