Censorship of poets and standups

The fact that you, a poet or standup, asks whether you can speak in another's voice already earns you the right to speak. That you had before anyway. I don't believe in any kind of censorship. And for poets, writers, and standups, that no-censorship rule goes double in my books. These are word crafters. They put more effort into putting a piece together than Facebookers, or tweeters, and they can't just delete their words out of the sound channel of our lives. They take the rap when they say something others don't like. 

As a woman, a radical feminist, incensed by the media, movies, and gaming, I would rather hear it.... AND NOT HAVE MY RESPONSE CENSORED. I have my own voice. Someone of my gender has their own voice, a homeless person has their own voice.

Instead of shouting at you, I would listen to your poem, and the next time I see a homeless person, listen to them, and encourage them, facilitate their voice, AND I HAVE DONE THIS. 

My approach is always to support people doing the effort, the due diligence, and if they have it wrong, do something to mitigate that voice - help it clarify, facilitate other voices. 

Vilifying you just silences a carer. Even silencing a hater silences a catalyzer. The more Trump speaks the better. And you are no Trump.


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