Feminism plays a role in saving the planet

#Incels ~ I watch a lot of BBC's 'Who do you think you are' and so many people's histories involve men abandoning their families for new younger women. And in the olden days sometimes leaving previous wives with upwards of five children to fend for. Women couldn't have bank accounts, were prevented from having education, and couldn't sign leases with no husbands. What did men think would happen? And now, with control over our fertility, and the right to sign a lease without a husband... (although I can tell you I'm old enough to have been discriminated against because I didn't have a co-signing husband). Now men feel 'useless' and are committing suicide. They have to redesign their worth to no longer be based on coercive domination of creatures they have purposefully made weak. Also, if humans don't return to the opposite of nuclear family (community family or our modern version - state family suppprt) our population bells will crash as we ...