Feminism plays a role in saving the planet
What did men think would happen? And now, with control over our fertility, and the right to sign a lease without a husband... (although I can tell you I'm old enough to have been discriminated against because I didn't have a co-signing husband). Now men feel 'useless' and are committing suicide. They have to redesign their worth to no longer be based on coercive domination of creatures they have purposefully made weak.
Also, if humans don't return to the opposite of nuclear family (community family or our modern version - state family suppprt) our population bells will crash as we are not producing drones for the capitalist endeavour.
Human suffering will result because the tax system relies on drones to be taxed for roads and old age homes. And governments spend most of their money on not-family. They don't support women as substitute families. So women don't get married, don't have babies. Fewer drones, so no taxes, so no social support.
Perhaps it will lead to our planet recovering. The planet would have recovered due to feminism. We couldn't go on having families of 15 children, 15 consumers, 15 polluters.
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