Great movie quotations

  • Uptown Girls (2003). “It’s so 80s it makes my hair pouf.” Goodbye Brittany.
  • The Invasion (2007). “When someone tries to tell me what is Truth, I only hear what they are telling me about themselves.”
  • Boys Night Out (1962). “$640.48” “What’s the 48 cents for?” “Well the girl of course.”
  • Jindabyne (2006). "When something bad happens we all have to do something good to make up for it. Otherwise the bad things pile up."
  • Seinfeld (Series 1989). "There’s too much urinary freedom in this society. I’m proud to hold it in. It builds character."
  • Moonlighting (Series 1985). Maddie says David describes the perfect woman as an “oversexed packhorse with a lobotomy and a g-string".
  • Friends (Series 1994). Alec Baldwin puts a positive spin on everything so irritated Phoebe says, "You're like Santa Claus on Prozac; at Disneyland; getting laid."
  • All About Eve (1950). “I’m not to be had for the price of a cocktail. Like a salted peanut.” Dan Savage's favorite movie.
  • I Love You Phillip Morris (2009). “Sometimes you have to shave a little off a puzzle piece to make it fit.”
  • Saving Mr. Banks (2013). I’m tired of remembering it that way. We all have our tales but don’t you want to find a way to finish the story? Let it all go and have a life that isn’t dictated by the past?
  • The Newsroom (Series 2012). “Snark is the idiot’s version of wit.” 
  • The Newsroom (Series 2012). Woman to man, “If you’re going to speak to me that way you really should give me a chew toy.” 
  • Wilde (1997). The aristocracy have always been able to be fluorescent and extraordinary and flamboyant in their behaviour. Whereas the middle classes yearn for respectability and are desperate to conform and are always absurdly puritanical.
  • Phil Spector (2013). #Envy. "Extraordinary accomplishments transform the grateful into an audience. And the envious into a mob. It stems from a feeling of inadequacy which is a lack of courage. I dealt with it by doing something. They were no threat to me, I was too busy."
  • Moonlighting (Series 1985). Bruce Willis: I know who he is, he paints naked girls. Sybil Shepherd: Nudes. Bruce Willis: Nudes, right. Nakeds have staples in them.


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