Transnational feminism
Relegating racism to 'past' is a failure. Unified condemnation of women, exclusion of women, white women say this and then become part of the patriarchy. Feminism collides with racism. White women charter what racism is. White women position themselves as equal to men. Humanism, women is staged as a universal term, excluding race. Savagery articulated as cultural difference. Human rights, women latched to men by similarity. Difference is a racial Other. Liberalism is coupled with culture, problem. Proscription of actions ignores racial Other. Shapes what practices become Tradition. How can you separate west from anywhere else, how pure is anyone's philosophy. "John Stuart Mill?"
Functioning human life "what would make us define something as not human?" Human = masculine = civilization. Reason, logic, conscience, conscious, women try to be reasonable, to be human. = America = universalism. Choice is the true expression of civilized self. Ability to recognize coercion.
Rejection of the traditional, local community norms. You can't prefer working outside the home if you can't see how it will work for you, and then you are judged for not REASONABLY choosing it. If given education - informed choice - would collapse choice into the acceptable culture - universal liberalism - whose will does liberalism reflect. Women emancipated from culture can rallies her liberal desires is sick shit.
Transnational feminism - common differences. Economic differences. No common ground. Analyse the exploited people to find ways of resisting capitalism.
Transnational feminism cannot rest in describing the the otherness of poor raced women.
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