When all women are feminist, how will we procreate?

Feminism ~ Well there's an irony developing in a tiny microcosm of the world. Japan is a 'first world' country that is small and sensitive to internal and external changes. Their birthrate has dropped so low that they don't have a big enough tax base to sustain their population in the style to which they have become accustomed - universal health care, elderly care, day care, street care, housing care, welfare. And forests full of people are committing suicide at the end of a string that they tie to themselves, so that they can find their way out of the forest if they change their mind (and/or that they can be found). The forest is criss-crossed with these strings like a web.
I've watched a mountain of Japanese porn. A woman's orgasm or enjoyment of any kind is not relevant. Not even when fingering. In fact, if she is crying and (hopefully) acting as though she is being raped that's their normal porn. Interviews with Japanese women reveal that husbands and boyfriends have no interest in their satisfaction. The husbands want babies to hand to their mothers as proof that the lineage and bloodline is continuing. There's a blood thing so adoption and fostering is irrelevant and illigitimate babies are cast away.
Sex is not spoken about. Once the babies are produced, no sex with wives is necessary. Depending on the wealth of the men they get mistresses or sex workers to sort them out, or force their wives. Domestic violence is 1:2. 40% of Japanese men are virgins and women are lacklustre about marriage -understandably.
Capitalism ~ Women were brought into the economy so that Japan could compete globally. Women left their homes in droves chasing financial independence from the systemic slavery of patriarchy. Let's say it clearly, the only way patriarchy kept us enslaved is by violently (via law) keeping us out of the economic system. The only work women were allowed was unpaid, even now 'women's' work is grudgingly paid. Take away birth control (Planned Parenthoods are being closed because their windows 'aren't the right height') and take away women's right to say no (there's no rape in marriage, once you're married, sex is 'conjugal' never 'rape' in Japan - a feminist-won and hard-won 'rape can exist in marriage law' has been fought for and given in SOME countries in the world) and take away a women's trust in baby food (melamine was used to bulk up baby food and the capitalist companies were bust doing it) and take away women's trust in baby products (rich women with friends outside Japan ask their friends to send them products) and... why would women want to get married and have babies.
The irony is, feminism does cause women to refuse to have (bad) sex and refuse to have (neglected because she has too many and sometimes physically abused or have to watch their mothers being abused) babies. So yes. Those 'ignorant' men were right. The only way to keep the population is by forcing women to participate in the patriarchal baby-making system against their will. Women will refuse to have sex and babies if they get infected by feminism.
At no point consider making making babies such a nice thing for women to do that they do it willingly.
I can tell you, if you paid me very well at work I might reconsider having babies myself. Universal health care, nice food for my baby, public transport, great schooling, I could get rid of an abusive husband and find my own house.
And the only way to push the feminism back into Pandora's box is to maintain a violent and coercive system that prevents women from choosing NOT to have sex and babies. Patriarchy.
The birthrate is collapsing in every country that has feminism. This is why so many countries are scrambling to take away the right to abortion, birth control, and equal pay. They want to force women back into their role of incubator for capitalism.
Denying that patriarchy exists is a failed magic trick.
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