
Colonising your neighbours. Your interest in controlling how I live, bringing your culture to where I am, and declaring this is how I should live.

Bear in mind that in the olden days (and in America in the newden days), bigotry infested public institutions. The people who didn't like the bigotry and wanted to, for example marry homos, had to leave government or suck it up. 

Then public institutions were lobbied for decades by people representing race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or other bases of discrimination. The government... or institution... considered the arguments, consulted, read the studies, made committees and wrote constitutions and bills based on creating an equitable environment for all to thrive and manifested it in the community (aka government mandate). 

Now people in the instution who don't want to enact government not-bigotries and want to be able to not enact the rules, for example, they want to not marry homos, don't want to leave government service and don't want to suck it up. And they feel descriminated against. 

Government is not 'secular' because it is not biblical (false dichotomy), government is calling us to provide safe space for everyone. You know who else did that?

Sure, no institution is flawless, but the institutions are the entities to whom we direct the lobbying. Directing lobbying to churches, or other institutions with agendas, and excludes those church agenda excludes. Directing lobbying to Baptists, excludes Islam. And we'd have to go to all the various churches, and schools and workplaces and it would take time. Better to go to one place - government - and ask them to act on our behalf (vote).

We need government and laws to express the general agenda. And the general agenda is NO EXCLUSION. Not old-book principles that are exclusionary. NO EXCLUSION. Our laws and constitutions are where we situate our broad beliefs as a community, as a global community. I suggest that NO EXCLUSIONS is the fundamental value of the larger majority of people on the planet. Government is the repository of our protest against the excluders. 

You can't have excluders enacting their beliefs in government, enslaving 'the beasts of the field' and bringing them to serve tea with white gloves to their fellow government employees, and stoning only women 'aduterers' on the steps of municipalities, and beheading homosexuals in the hallways, and demanding the closure of toilets for trans people in government buildings. Makes no sense. That's not the place for it. 

And schools are part of government. The same may not happen at schools. 

Make your own school if you don't like it. 

I don't recognize any space for bigotry, even private schools, and I find the regressive, socialludditery of wishing for a society of 2000 BC rules problematic. Always will.  You can't have cherry-picked change. Change happens by the will and the direction the people want it. Government's job is to reflect it, and nurture the environment that fosters it. Government is not an instrument of any old book... anymo re. 

Wishes don't all come true. 




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